Helimix SS55

Shielding gas for stainless steel welding.

Providing excellent fusion, penetration and all-round weld quality, Helimix SS55 is the choice for quality welding characteristics and versatility.

SS55 produces strong, high quality welds. Furthermore, with an effective range of operation up to 10mm, this reduces re-work and post weld cleaning – significantly improving productivity for your business.

We supply this three-part stainless steel shielding gas in a standard 50 litre cylinder. It is a high capacity cylinder which stands around eye-level. This product is best suited for use in and around fabrication areas – still quite portable once fitted to a sturdy welding trolley.

Should you require a varied content of Helium, have a browse of our other SS mixtures – SS38 and SS85.

SS55 is just one of our many blended shielding gas mixtures. If you’re unsure of what product to choose, our knowledgeable sales team will be able to walk you through the benefits of each product, to find one suitable for your application. Add this product to your quote to learn more.

Helimix SS55
Available sizes

Available cylinder sizes

50 Litre Industrial Gas Cylinder Outline

50L (230 bar)


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